Friday 23 May 2014

who knows thirty-nine?

no. of main categories of work that is prohibited on Shabbat, derived from 39 types of work that went into building the Mishkan.
King Asa, king of Judah, suffered from a foot disease when he was 39 but did not turn to God but to healers.
actual number of lashes stuck when the Sanhedrin sentenced someone with the punishment of 40 lashes


similar thing is found in Ancient Rome. The citizens would hit their slaves 39 times, calling it forty save one.
The 39 Steps, novel by John Buchan, film by Alfred Hitchcock. And the number of stairs in my house. which is very pleasing, if slightly tiring when climbing up to my studio at the top of the house.
Neither Cleopatra, Amelia Earhart, Che Guevara, Dylan Thomas, Martin Luther King Jr nor Malcom X saw their 40th birthdays, all dying, or disappearing, aged 39.

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